
District 9 un film de Neill Blomkamp

A Sci-Fi movie set in South Africa telling the relocalisation of aliens that lived like a group excluded from society. Does it ring a bell here... Shot in a documentary style and produced by Peter Jackson: expectations were high!

We follow Wikus (Sharlto Copley, who reminded me of a young Robert De Niro) the nervous and young executive son in law of the chief of MNU in charge of the Aliens. He is designated to be in charge of the Alien deportation. The film opens with the preparations of the eviction. We follow the leader of this mission: Wikus. His team enters into the Alien ghetto until things turns bad for the mission and for Wikus...

One thing that I truly love about Science-Fiction is the parallels made with real events and how the writers manage to translate them into a fiction. Like the "Apartheid" on the Aliens in District 9 or the imminent communist attack translated by the alien in the form of a man in The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951), etc. We could go on forever with the many translations Sci-fi films gave us. In this case, District 9 picks up with the great tradition of pure Science-Fiction and refresh the genre with a different approach. It does not reinvent the genre, but it gives a new breath because it's been a while since movie goers had a good Sci-Fi flick.

A very good film that deserved his unattended Oscar nominations. It has the depth to be a fun ride and make you do a reflexion on intolerance and "alien" nations.

A Film Review by Michaël Parent

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