
Top films of F.W. Murnau by LMdC

Of the greats of Cinema, few filmmakers have influenced their peers as much as D.W. Griffith, Sergeï M. Eisenstein, and John Ford. Well, F.W. Murnau might be one of the most face changing figures of the seventh Art, he directly influenced Alfred Hitchcock while working in Germany. Later, in his way too short career, Murnau worked in Hollywood and mastered every film he ever crafted. Here's my own personal top of his films:

1. Nosferatu (1922)
2. Sunrise (1927)
3. Tabu (1931)

4. The Last Laugh (1924)
5. Faust (1926)
6. Tartuffe (1926)

I still need to see: Phantom (1922) City Girl (1929)
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