
Milestone - 600th Post

 As you are reading the lines of my 600th post, you might have helped this blog to reach the 200,000th pageview of Le Mot du Cinephiliaque #LMdC.

All of this is a work of love for Films, Cinema in general, and writing about the two aforementioned elements that populate this blog.

Just to get rid of the numbers:
600 posts
3 years
57 followers (as I am writing those lines)
200,000 pageviews

In the blogosphere it might not be an outstanding achievement, but I am still very proud to keep this blog running and trying the best I can to promote it and get involved with commenters and other bloggers' sites. As the increasing number of Film sites everyday you have to pick or create yourself a niche to get unique content and a good amount of pageviews. Just like one of my favourite blogger out there Bonjour Tristesse of the blog with the same name, he watches more films than I actually ever will and his foreign/cult film oriented blog is a daily rendez-vous for me.

Finding your niche isn't an easy thing to do. Primarily, I wanted review only current released films and bring some editorials out there. A great example of editorials and articles is John of The Droid You're looking For. The editorials are a thing that takes time, research, and substance. This is one of the main reason why I don't do them as often as I would liked. Since a while I haven't been that much to theaters and I attacked some Classic Films lists that opened my eyes towards many great filmmakers and movies out there. Even if recent releases bring more visits, I tend to review more Classic films than I ever did. So I have not really put Le Mot du Cinephiliaque in any niche. Which makes it harder to get a regular basis of followers.

With all that said, I want to thank anyone who came wandering, commenting, reading, and steal the images on this blog because you are part of the reason why it has gotten an obsession and a pride.

Finally, I would ask you if there's something you would improve or like about this blog that I could considerate and apply? Speak freely!


  1. Congrats, and thank you for the mention!

    Nice timing too, I just started typing up a milestone post myself.

    I hope to see at least another 600 more posts :)

    1. Thanx BT! My pleasure.

      Glad you achieve a milestone you too.

  2. Congratulations on reaching this milestone! I enjoyed your comments about not fitting into a specific niche. I don't know if I really fit into a niche either; some movies just feel right for my blog, and some don't.

    1. Well, I just like to write about movies and every genre, every kind. SO it is why I bring anything that I watch here...
      Thanks Barry.

  3. Congratulations! This is one of my favorite movie blogs, so I don't really have any suggestions. Keep doing your thing.

  4. Congrats! I'm close to my 500th myself, so 600 is quite an accomplishment.

    1. Congrats on getting to 500! It takes a lot of work to get there!


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