(David Cronenberg, 1981)
A scientist (Patrick McGoohan) sends a man (Stephen Lack) with extraordinary
psychic powers to hunt others like him.
This low budget horror thriller from David Cronenberg
has a huge cult following. In a goal to discover more about this fellow
Canadian’s filmography I had to dig into this particular film with extremely
high expectations since the cream of the Blu-Ray/DVD collector world, the
Criterion Collection, has recently announced the release of a big chunky three
discs set of this classic.
When I watched Scanners
the plot reminded me of some other titles: especially The Fury (1978) and Carrie
(1976). I know that at the time it came out it was often linked with Ken
Russell’s Altered States for the
reason that it is about psychic powers and the exploration of the infinity of
the human mind. However, both films couldn’t be more different. While Russell
had a huge budget, Cronenberg was working with a small envelope trying to get
the more out of his courageous story and semi-amateur actors. Scanners is a dedication to the art of
making movies out of nothing and the absolute desire to tell a story to an
audience and making a point that its creator is talented and wants to make
mainstream films with his personal voice.
Much like David Lynch, Cronenberg creates ambiances
and textures with his exploration of the mind. Slowly he was making the pattern
of the body horror genre that he invented. One comment from Roger Ebert’s
review of Scanners was that it was
pushing on his plot instead of developing his characters in this milieu. Ebert
was quite right and Cronenberg’s films to follow will prove that the director
learned the lesson and dig more and more into psychology and the identity of
the metamorphosis of his characters.
The feeling of cheap horror from Scanners makes it even more charming as a 1980’s film that was
partly shot in Montréal and Toronto. It is an inspiring film that sweats talent
and a will to breakthrough from his director. Much like Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead, we are witnessing the
birth of two geniuses. However, with Cronenberg the best was to come.
Finally, even if at first it feels campy and cheap at
times, the watching enjoyment is present and as a pleasure we don’t feel guilty
at all. It is a very important film in Canadian film history and a great horror