
Music Review : Madball – Hardcore Lives (2014)

Music Review : Madball – Hardcore Lives (2014)

Started as a sideproject of Agnostic Front in 1990, Madball became one of the most respected band of Hardcore history. Setting the standard between the Old School and the New School and being more important than Hatebreed in the genre, Madball have released many albums through the years.

With their latest release, the same classic formula hits it with great effect. Fast tempos, harsh vocals, sing alongs, breakdowns, well everything to get you into that circle pit and dance your head out.

This is an album for fans of hardcore otherwise the typical music lover doesn’t get it apart from the simple guitar riffs and homogenetic selection of songs. As a hardcore enthusiast I can safely say that it is an album I will be visiting quite often since it is a sincere effort from the New York City based band.
Same formula, efficient and exactly right for a fix of Madball in mye ars. But nothing new or game changing.

Since it is a release that is true to its roots; hardcore and targets a very private group of initiated members, it is a mandatory album for fans of the genre. Otherwise, get educated and listen to more bands of the genre to get it and enjoy it.

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