John K. Samson - Provincial New Release!
Being a fan of Propagandhi, then The Weakerthans it is needless to point out that the solo career of singer/writer/guitarist John K. Samson would interest me very much. The quirky cheesyness of the aforementioned The Weakerthans isn't really prominent on Samson's Provincial, it is a richly textured album that transcends folk/indie/accoustic genres and sang poetry. Samson has this sensibility that helps him carry the little things in all our lives that makes sense without being at the forefront of our preoccupations.
If The Weakerthans don't return from their break of late 2009, Provincial can at least be a savory piece of music that delivers and lets us forgive the fact that since Reunion Tour we haven't had any other new record to put our teeth in. But it is all Samson's creation and I enjoy it very much. The musical year of 2012 has started very strong with the release of Provincial let's hope the rest of the year will keep the pace.
Rating: ****/*****
M83 - Hurry Up, We're Dreaming 2011 release
For those who are fans of The Art of FLIGHT and That's it, That's All you probably already know this artist. Mixing electro and ambient music without being far from pop rock synths M83 made a niche for itself outside from the 1980's revival scene. However, M83 has the spirit of the decade but manages to produce in their latest double-disc release a very unique sound. The textures and intermissions of beautiful and evocative music transports the listener in a massive variety of feelings and moods that only M83 is capable of. It is not a nostalgic music either, it sounds modern and also timeless in its approach and sonorities. A great soundtrack to ride some powder on a big mountain and also a personal favorite of 2011.
Rating: ****1/2/*****
Meshuggah - Koloss New Release!
This technical outfit of Thrash-Death Metal always has a great reception amongst its established fan base. However, their music always let me on my appetite and the chance of multiple listenings is very thin because of my personal tastes. But I would recommend to any musician to give it a listen every now and then because of the mastery of these Swedish musicians and the structure of the songs. Something like Primus made with Thrash and Technical Death Metal elements.
Rating: ****/*****
Next week: Psycroptic - Inherited Repression, Primordial - Redemption at the Puritan's Hand, Foster the People - Torches
Music Education has a place in the history of American education. While sometimes struggling for legitimacy, it has demonstrated its value within the educational environment with the help of educational theorists and researchers who have extolled the virtues of music education. Along with technological advances for education in general, technology for music education has similarly seen a number of advances.