With the recent announcement of a potential sequel to Taxi Driver a It’s A Wonderful Life 2 scheduled for 2015 and the serial remakes,
sequels, prequels, etc. Added to that the superheroes series birthing every
week featuring more and more CGI special effects, similar stories.
This gives less financing and support for original stories
and material for filmmakers wanting to do something else than the mainstream
big budget productions.
It is a very simplistic observation that doesn’t take many
elements in consideration and I know that I’m probably making a bold statement
but I think that Hollywood has just let down cinephiles and film enthusiasts to
finance an industry and forgot that it earned its letters of respect and
noblesse by the work of artists like Chaplin, Griffith, Lubitsch, Murnau, Ford,
Hawks, Hitchcock, and many other great names.
Call me nostalgic, an old fart (at thirty years old), a
purist, if you want but I am sad today when I read those upcoming new releases.
What do you think of the actual Hollywood movies? What’s your opionion?