Pray For Me :
The Jason Jessee Film (Steve Nemsick & David
Rogerson, 2007)
Professionnal skateboarder Jason Jessee is profiled in this 80
minutes documentary that preceded his comeback to a skaboarding sponsorship by
Santa Cruz skateboards.
from a Mormon family of South California that liked motorcycles and guns, Jason
Jessee became a peculiar character that few people have really understood.
Considered by his friends and peers as a clown or a kook, Jessee has passed
from 100 000$ earnings in a year skateboarding to a minimum wage job
cleaning dishes.
portrait of his family and childhood is nicely done but too much time is on the
fact that he hides himself behind a mask of comedy and extreme behaviors such
as Nazi imagery, terrorist slogans, and Jesus freak phrases. Clearly, this is a
man that wanted to do things his own way and make people talk about him. Sadly,
the documentary almost plays as a joke and only encourages his eccentric side
without trying to really scratch the surface and peel off the layers of this
obvious shell that Jessee has forged around him to protect him from being hurt.
side of Pray For Me that should be
improved is the lack of footage of his skateboarding days and the few archives
shown. I read on IMDb that the budget was around 100 000$ for the entire
documentary and this is probably one of the reasons it was harder to get rights
for the archives of his career. However, the whole film feels that the budget
was limited and it is almost sad that it feels cheap. There’s one thing when
the soundtrack is done with less money and features more underground artists,
much like skateboarding videos in general, but when the writing of the
screenplay lacks of formal structure and circles around an interesting topic
without achieving a complete analysis.
two shots of Jessee kidding around in his garage and interviews of his peers
and family, Pray For Me : The Jason
Jessee Film leaves us with a vague impression of the man and many questions
hold in the air regarding the subject of the film and its purpose. As a
skateboarder myself I like to know the guy behind the name written on the decks
I buy. The Jason Jessee boards are nice skateboards and his graphics have
always been considered as popular amongst customers. Apart if you are a real
fan of the man or a diehard rabid consumer of everything skateboard I would
suggest a rental but as aforementioned, there’s not a lot to learn from this 80
minutes documentary.