On Le Mot du Cinephiliaque, there aren’t that many posts or discussions around television shows but this one is one of my favourites lately and I would like to know your thoughts so far since this is the last season and until now, episode 3, I feel like if we, the viewer, haven’t really had something to get our teeth in. Even Season 7 was okay and some moments were better while others were lesser I think the show is getting tired. I always said that when a show must introduce new characters on a regular basis is because the central ones have been exploited enough.
During Season 7, Eric was absent, Sloan is a talking prop, Johnny had to struggle with himself and got small and lesser parts while Turtle is the one who got the best of this Season. By the way, Jerry Ferrara lost like 30 pounds since 2 or 3 years, just like me 5 years ago... And Vince has more dramatic turns of events with his porn star girlfriend, drug addiction, etc. On the other side Ari has a biggest part in the process but seems to be fooling in the same place with the recurring themes of the unsatisfied wife and the never letting your guard down attitude. And there’s the return of one of my favourite characters; Billy Walsh.
What gets on my nerves in the current season so far, is the tendency to erase everything from the previous seasons and even things: Vinny gets back on his feet and is like a Role model, Turtle lost is girlfriend and his Tequila job, E is no longer with Sloan, Drama still struggles with his quest to have/keep a job. Moreover, Ari and the separation with his wife is just so not Ari! There is also the additional characters of Scott, Dice, Carlos, etc. They just get in the way... It might be too early to call anything but since Season 7 wasn’t as good as the first 6 I just hope that they are setting things up for a great farewell and a great film. Because, what it lacks is the chemistry between the four boys when they are together and call themselves names. Since, a while they are all isolated and yes there is more than the four guys together, there is producing, managing, acting, in their lives but since the show was built on the relationship of this modern family of “dudes” I hope the show will get back on his feet and give us those moments we all liked very much.
So what do you all think of it so far?