
We Will Be Back After a Short Break

I wish I could go on a vacation with Clark
 Since the coming of summer in Quebec City we have been more than spoiled of superb weather and sunny days. In fact, since I moved in my house, July 1st, there have been so few rain that my lawn is practically just dust.

However, since our Honeymoon late August early September 2011 I haven’t been on a real vacation except a little stop at New York City at Easter. To be honest, your host here at Le Mot du Cinephiliaque needs a little rest. This is why there won’t be any new posts until ten to fifteen days. This break will give me more fuel in the tank to attack what’s coming and give you better content and be more active in the blogosphere.

When we’ll come back, I’ll get more seriously on the Movie Watching Goal I’ve been bragging about lately. And I’m glad to have been able to reboot my Je me souviens feature about the films from my little corner in the world.

So lots of great things to come in September, and I’ll try for once to have some Horror Films reviews in order for October. Having not seen Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Innocents, The Devils, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), Cat People, I Walked With A Zombie, and The Haunting it will be my challenge to try to watch a bunch if not all those films for the time around Hallow’s Eve.

Until then behave and don’t be too sad that I’m not around. I’ll be back I promise!

Just a little something for the Movie Geeks out there - I'm one too!
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