
Author Identity Crisis

Who Am I? Where am I going? What is my purpose on this planet Earth? – Mike
Well, it’s been more than three years since I’ve been active on this blog I called Le Mot du Cinephiliaque, first because I consider myself a cinephile and a maniac of films, and lately I’ve been asking myself  those aforementioned questions and who am I kidding with this blog? Probably just myself.
Some readers are constant and some are back even if I’m not that present on their blogs and they’ll leave a heart whelming comment. But I always felt that my posts aren’t as read as I would want them to be. Writing about films is a way for me to express my impressions and feelings about films. I always have wrote the way I want to read about films. Trying to be critical while being informative in my own particular way. Hoping that some day someone will comment and care about my writings. I just hope that I’m not that bad. In writing on a blog, my goal was to put my afterthoughts about a film and keep a diary of my film life. While everyone who writes on the Web writes to get the satisfaction of a « like », a retweet, a comment, etc. I’ve read in a sociological study, that those kind of responses are more fulfilling for some people than actually having sex. Personally, I still prefer sex, but I can understand when I read about deranged like Luka Magnotta who created themselves more than a hundred identities and can’t say what is Internet and what is real life. But I digress. First, I write for myself but also to get in discussions with the readers and commenters. Sometimes, when someone passes by and tell me they saw a film because I recommended it I think it might be the greatest accomplishment for me. Spreading the passion love of films is something I like to be recognized for with my peers.
I’ve continually have been reading about film criticism and film reviews from critics I have in high esteem and I try to take some of their talent and reinterpret and use the lessons. However, I feel like I still have so much to learn and so many films to watch.
You are the blogger you are
Earlier this year I changed jobs and the switch got much of my energy. I’ve posted few reviews in this period, it brought me to let go the hosting of the Classic Chops feature on the LAMB and my sparse pieces for Anomalous Material are still on a very long hiatus.
It brought me to ask myself all those questions. Even thinking of quiting blogging for good. Don’t get me wrong I’m not doing it for the rewards but because it is my passion and I eat movies.  But the few feedbacks and the fewer time to write and watch movies has been a major factor. Plus, the multiplication of blogs, bloggers, and amateur film critics has been expanding and trying to have your own voice and get feedback if we are doing right or wrong is more difficult each day. As it brought me to ask am I just polluting the Web? I think not.
With the community of the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die Club I found a reason to continue and get back on my film critic’s feet and get myself at the keyboard. Also, the new edition of the 2013 1000 Greatest Films of All Time that I want to cross since almost five years now, is my goal. This quest as my friend Kevyn Knox of the blog The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World called it, is one of the fires that burns inside me and teach me alot about the History of films and its creators and actors. Being at around 550 films seen on this list as I am writing those lines, I set my goal for the end of 2013 for 600 films but I hope I’ll be far more advanced.
I wished that it would exist a Club where we could share those reviews of this list of films. And have discussions about those movies from around the world… However, I haven’t found many enthusiasts of the list. If any of you out there are interested in forming a club in that form please leave a comment and I could get us something on the way!
Finally, I wanted to express the fact that I am back and I will try to do only things that I want with the blog and stop trying to do everything for nothing. Also, I am announcing now that I won’t be submitting LMdC for the 2013 Lammies taking this year as a reformatting year and a way to put more energy in my personal projects: the 1000 Greatest Films list (potential community), snowboarding, music, skateboarding, working on my house, and traveling.
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