
LMdC’s 10 Most Expected Films of 2014

LMdC’s 10 Most Expected Films of 2014

Well, why not? If this blog is centered on my journey through the 1000 Greatest Films of All Time by They Shoot Pictures only I will turn crazy from imposing to myself only acclaimed and older films than the new titles of each year. When the time of the Oscars comes I’m out of breath trying to catch up on films of the last year and trying to compile a decent top of the year that just passed.

All this with my usual penchant for procrastination and a little loath for more recent released than I should. Since almost two months of 2014 have already past, I’ll include only films to come and exclude the ones that are already in theaters or available on home video. Since my challenge is to catch mostly films I’m interested in, I choose ten of the most promising titles and, you know me, from the most interesting directors out there.

But first, here's an homage to Harold Ramis who starred in my childhood classic Ghostbusters and directed one of the best comedies of the 1990's: Groundhog Day.

10. Interstellar

With due respect  to Mr. Nolan and his good films, not great, but good I must mention that I hated, hated, hated his The Dark Knight Rises. However, most of his films like Inception, Memento, Batman Begins, and The Dark Knight had interesting ideas and despite his middle of the road directing his screenplays are well written and he still can make an intelligent blockbuster I guess.

9. Muppets Most Wanted

James Bobin’s first Muppet movie pleased me very much and this was good clean fun from start to finish. One sad note, no Jason Segel in the cast. There’s still some place for muppets on the big screen and not just animated feature. 

8. 22 Jump Street

The Jonah Hill/Channing Tatum duo played with the conventions of the action/buddy flick movie genre and it felt refreshing and original. Let’s hope they will bring back their chemistry and offer us another nice little gem with the sequel.

7. Chef

Probably not your most expected film of the year, but I like Jon Favreau’s films and I’m a big foodie myself. The chef world might be interesting as a back story for what it looks like to be a nice road movie.

6. Godzilla

The classic monster film franchise is resuscitated in Hollywood and they decided to hand the directing job to an almost unknown independent but very talented young Gareth Edwards. Let’s hope to have a big blockbuster well inspired. It might become the surprise of the year.

5. Jodorowsky’s Dune

Ever heard of cult films? Heard of unmade cult films like Terry Gilliam’s Man of la Mancha? There’s a great never completed film about Frank Herbert’s science-fiction novel Dune. You’ve seen Lynch’s but not Jodorowsky. This documentary will probably be more frustrating but still a must see for film geeks.

 4. Noah

The more I see previews for this the less I’m convinced about it. However, Darren Aronofsky is one of the best directors working today. Ever wondered why his Black Swan was batshitcrazy? Let’s hope he did another one to mark in Film history with his Noah starring Russell Crowe as the title character.

3. Gone Girl

A new film by David Fincher starring Ben Affleck. Seriously do I need to say more? With Fincher’s latest success in films and television and Affleck’s with Argo I can’t wait for this new release.

2. The Grand Budapest Hotel

Of the many directors I worship, Wes Anderson is this hip guy that directs quirky films with a story à la Woody Allen where themes and elements are repeating themselves and he presents a film universe unique to his voice. With Wes, each time it is a trip into his child mind of a man who needs to please an absent father. With another outstanding cast of regulars Wes comes back with another candy looking film that hipsters are already wetting their pants with the previews. Including me.

1. Inherent Vice

Enough with all the other crap discussed up here, let,s be serious for a moment and share the admiration for Paul Thomas Anderson’s great films. Boogie Night, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, There Will Be Blood, and The Master. It’s like a cocktail including Martin Scorsese, Robert Altman, Mikhail Khalatozov, Orson Welles, Erich Von Stroheim, Stanley Kubrick, and John Huston influences and letting a young and overly talented filmmaker build whatever the fuck he wants. This mad scientist is P.T. Anderson and I bet that Inherent Vice will be another anthology of what the greatest auteurs of films have made. I bet Film Noir will be the back story of this promising title.

Agree or disagree? What are the films you are expecting the most for 2014?
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