The Dead Zone
(David Cronenberg, 1983)
A man
awakens from a coma to discover he has a psychic detective ability.
Staring Christopher Walken as Johnny Smith and Martin Sheen as Senator Stillson, The Dead Zone is another paranormal
story about a gifted individual. It’s funny because both actors were leads in
Vietnam War pictures in the 1970’s. Walker with The Deer Hunter and Sheen in Apocalypse
Now. Both with intense characters and outstanding performances.
Much like Firestarter,
or The Shining the main character
owns a special gift that he must use to save the conservative balance of the
society. They are all characters dedicated to use their power but also are doomed
With The Dead Zone, Cronenberg is directing a
thriller that keeps a constant intensity with moments of calm and many sound
clashes. It was far from his body horror that the audience knew him for but a
great entry for him into the major film market.
As with many
adaptations of Stephen King novels of the 1980’s it displays winter,
solitude, reclusion,
and the talent of a big name director. In this case, Cronenberg brings just a
little to elevate and direct a true to the original material movie. This is a
strong film for the director and a very convincing thriller. Despite not being
Cronenberg’s best film or even his best film of 1983, Videodrome was a far superior film, it showcased his restraint and
talent as a hired for the job inspired director. With a subtle but widely
convincing and intelligent mise en scène The
Dead Zone sits comfortably among the cream of the 1980’s movies.
If I was
going to make a top of the Stephen King adaptations, The Dead Zone would easily be alongside Misery as one of five best.